Complacent Evening

Well, it’s the Sunday before I have to go back to school after a nice spring break. I visited La Sierra to see my best friend, Flint, whom I met in high school. We had fun and I think we should get together more often. I also got to see Peggy Boyko, Flint’s ex-girlfriend from high school and a year at PUC, I think. Oh, and I saw Brenda Elrod, a local that goes to La Sierra right now.

I’m just relaxing right now by playing webmaster. I made a few changes to my website. Nothing major — just eliminated a few pointless links and added others like the current read and music listing. I also updated the about me page.

Otherwise, not much else is happening this torpid night. Just listening to Norah Jones and burning a smelly candle. What? You think candles are for girls? So, what if I like my room to smell nice? Leave me alone.

Sorry, didn’t mean to go off on a tangent there. I just really don’t feel like going back to school tomorrow. I have acquaintances there, but not really any friends. There’s something about the ease of making friends among those of your own faith. When I was at La Sierra I made several friends very quickly. I have to admit it’s tempting to go there, but the $20,299 price tag definitely scares me away.

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