Star Trek meets Myers-Briggs

Oh, yeah.

I took this personality test.

Click on more to see my results.

Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Garak and Kes.

People like you are generally nonconforming, deeply passionate, and highly dedicated to your personal values. You’re reserved, which covers a sensitive spirit easily hurt. You’re highly imaginative and creative. You’re curious and often study others quietly. You’re flexible in small matters. You don’t dance to other people’s tunes, but you can pretend you do. You get what you want by talking, not screaming.

You’re loving and dedicated to people you care about, but you do not compromise your principles for them. Your sense of what is right comes first, even before yourself. You respond best to people who respect your privacy until you let them in, then provide you with emotional intimacy.

You’re not the world’s most tidy person.

Your primary goal in life is to be true to your deeply held beliefs and to live in harmony with your values. Your reward is to have your ideas benefit others.

Good careers for your type include being a psychologist, human resources professional, Cardassian spy, physical therapist, translator/interpreter, legal mediator, college professor of humanities, and art director.

I still have my Myers-Brigg test I took in high school. That test (and perhaps more accurate due to its extensiveness) said I was an ISFP (introverted,sensing, feeling, perception), and I suppose that is pretty close to what I got on the Star Trek test. Here’s what the high school Myers-Briggs test had to say about the ISFP type:

People with ISFP preferences have a great deal of warmth, but may not show it until they know a person well. They keep their warm side inside, like a fur-lined coat. When they care, they care deeply, but are more likely to show their feeling by deeds rather than words. They are very faithful to duties and obligations related to things or people they care about.

They take a very personal approach to life, judging everything by their inner ideals and personal values. They stick to their values with passionate conviction, but can be influenced by someone they care deeply about. Although their inner loyalties and ideals govern their lives, ISFPs find these hard to talk about. Their deepest feelings are seldom expressed; their inner tenderness is masked by a quiet reserve.

In everyday activities they are tolerant, openminded, flexible, and adaptable. If one of their inner loyalties is threatened though, they will not give an inch. They usually enjoy the present moment, and do not like to spoil it by rushing to get things done. They have little wish to impress or dominate. The people they prize the most are those who take the time to understand their values and the goals they are working toward.

They are interested mainly in the realities brought to them by their senses, both inner and outer. T’hey are apt to enjoy fields where taste, discrimination, and a sense of beauty and proportion are important. Many ISFPs have a special love of nature and a sympathy with animals. They often excel in craftsmanship, and the work of their hands is usually more eloquent than their words.

They are twice as good when working at a job they believe in, since their feeling adds energy to their efforts. They see the needs of the moment and try to meet them. They want their work to contribute to something that matters to them-human understanding, happiness, or health. They want to have a purpose beyond their paycheck, no matter how big the check. They are perfectionists whenever they care deeply about something, and are particularly suited for work that requires both devotion and a large measure of adaptability.

The problem for some ISFPs is that they may feel such a contrast between their inner ideals and their actual accomplishments that they burden themselves with a sense of inadequacy. This can be true even when they are being as effective as others. They take for granted anything they do well and are the most modest of all the types, tending to underrate and understate themselves.

It is important for them to find practical ways to express their ideals; otherwise they will keep dreaming of the impossible and accomplish very little. If they find no actions to express their ideals, they can become too sensitive and vulnerable, with dwindling confidence in life and in themselves. Actually, they have much to give and need only to find the spot where they are needed.